
Wichita Pest Pro

Brown Recluse Spider Specialists
By Nathan Vogt February 26, 2021
If you suspect there are brown recluse spiders in you home or business, call Arrest A Pest for a consultation. in Wichita call 316-945-8400
Side by side comparison of termites and carpenter ants
By Nathan Vogt February 12, 2021
How can you tell termites apart from ants? Here are a few easy ways to identify a termite from an ant.
A spider on a web in wichita ks
By Nathan Vogt January 18, 2021
A few tips to help you pick the best exterminator to fit your pest control needs in Wichita.
By Nathan Vogt November 17, 2020
Find out if bed bugs are in Wichita Ks.
Performing termite inspection on house
By Nathan Vogt October 30, 2020
A termite inspection is a critical part of the sale of your home.
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